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A Guide to Religious Ministries is the most comprehensive directory of Catholic men’s and women’s communities in the United States. The Guide lists communities for men and women, diocesan vocation directors, lay ministry organizations, associate, Oblate, secular and other communities.
Copies are requested and distributed free of charge at more than 10,000 locations in the United States and Canada including diocesan vocation offices, campus ministers, Newman centers, Catholic college career placement and counseling centers, military chaplains, retreat houses and houses of prayer, parishes, Catholic bookstores and other locations where vocation information can be utilized.
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One Color - Black Ink
One Edition..........................................$1,650
Two Editions .......................................$3,010
Three Editions ...................................$4,310
One Edition .........................................$2,300
Two Editions ......................................$4,500
Three Editions ...................................$6,090
2 Facing Pages
One Color - Black Ink
One Edition ...................................$2,810
Two Editions ................................$4,850
Three Editions ............................$6,190
One Edition ...................................$4,110
Two Editions ................................$6,160
Three Editions ............................$8,150
One Color - Blue Ink
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Cost per edition.................................$975